This week I have mostly been.... well, pooped actually. Sleepy week this week, looked after Littlest neice yesterday morning got home about 3 then slept until 6 and I am stiiill tired. *Humph*. Doing boring cleaning the oven and washing today, but trying to get the creative juices flowing as the wallpaper samples have arrived and I think for me there is definitely 2 hot favourites. Just have to wait and see what Boyf says.... I need to get making some stuff, I am tired but also bored. Ah well, such is life. Going to go to Henley tomorrow to some second hand and rare bookshops with my Ma - we have a couple of books they might be interested in. Maybe I'll get some inspiration there, you never know!
I live with a non-functioning pituitary (since an operation in 2005 to remove a tumour causing Cushings disease; - this blog describes my fight to get more action from the doctors and my own personal experiences in daily life, similar to that of Bridget Jones Ha!
About Me

- Lottie4979
- I'm in my 30's, which to me sounds very odd. I only feel like I'm in my 20's and definitely not a grown up. I have spent the last 7 years battling with my health; firstly spending 2 years getting a diagnosis for a tumour on my pituitary gland which was causing Cushings Disease; then spending the rest of my life dealing with a pituitary gland that doesn't work. However, I have a fantastic family and an amazing boyfriend who I live with and adore - they keep me going and inspire me to try to make the most of life and my life in general.
Blog Archive
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Got the snots. Boo.
- 3rd Neuropsychologist appointment
- Cups and Saucers
- Not too hot.
- Got the new bed - time to decorate.
- Having a cooking revelation!
- To get married or not to get married; that is the ...
- Centerparcs Longleat
- GOOD NEWS! CFS Specialist appt has arrived!
- Next psychologist appointment
- 1st Neuropsychologist appointment!
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