A tiny group of cells that changed my world

A tiny group of cells that changed my world
Click on the image to find out about what the Pituitary Gland does

About Me

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I'm in my 30's, which to me sounds very odd. I only feel like I'm in my 20's and definitely not a grown up. I have spent the last 7 years battling with my health; firstly spending 2 years getting a diagnosis for a tumour on my pituitary gland which was causing Cushings Disease; then spending the rest of my life dealing with a pituitary gland that doesn't work. However, I have a fantastic family and an amazing boyfriend who I live with and adore - they keep me going and inspire me to try to make the most of life and my life in general.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Oh Yay! Project One Renovate The Bird Cage

I have started reading my book and I'm getting into it. I sometimes have difficulty keeping up concentration on a book but the wind-up bird keeps me interested.
I am also very please because since I started writing this blog, I have been back in touch with some more of my friends - some of which hadn't realised how I had been affected by my illness and I think that is just brilliant! I am so glad and very happy.
I'm feeling excited about life again. I have started a small project today. I had bought an old bird cage from a second hand place in Bath a while ago and it was a bit rusty, so today I have begun painting it and making it all pretty again. I am just using a small pot of dulux paint which I found in the cupboard can you believe. It's probably not what the professionals would use but who cares??? Its the right colour - a sort of pale creamy mushroom colour and I intend to add a bit of gold spray on afterward followed by some shiny laquer. I think it will look lovely. Boyf. may not agree but then, who cares what he thinks... it's chic. I am taking photo's as I go along but I'm not sure how to share them with you just yet, I will investigate.

Here are the before pictures and after pictures!

 If you like it, let me know.... x

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