A tiny group of cells that changed my world

A tiny group of cells that changed my world
Click on the image to find out about what the Pituitary Gland does

About Me

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I'm in my 30's, which to me sounds very odd. I only feel like I'm in my 20's and definitely not a grown up. I have spent the last 7 years battling with my health; firstly spending 2 years getting a diagnosis for a tumour on my pituitary gland which was causing Cushings Disease; then spending the rest of my life dealing with a pituitary gland that doesn't work. However, I have a fantastic family and an amazing boyfriend who I live with and adore - they keep me going and inspire me to try to make the most of life and my life in general.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Limbo land

Well, the latest is, it seems no more can be done for me in terms of treatment. I am in such a small group of people with non-functioning pituitary's that there are not enough people to do research on. So I guess the next step is acceptance. I am feeling a bit lost though because I feel like I want to do something, something that gives me some sense of fulfilment but what that is I am not sure.....

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