I'm feeling sentimental a lot at the moment, I can't tell you how many times I have teared up this week... I tear up watching the X-Factor, Eastenders, Sally the Psychic, the news, TV adverts about TV programmes... yes it has got that bad.... I am going to 3 weddings this month, the first of which is for a friend I have known for years. I don't see him very often but him (I will call him A) and his friend (J) have a special place in my heart. When I was in hospital and very sick, to the point I did not want to see anyone except my parents... A and J went on a secret mission to track me down and come and see me. I was in a pretty awful state, I was just coming round from meningitus and hadn't been able to shower, wash my hair or anything. I also had cold sores all round my mouth as my body struggled to cope. I don't remember much from their visit to me but I do remember how I felt when I heard they had come to see me. I was very very happy. It really touched my heart. I don't think I made much conversation but I remember their faces and that was enough for me. I hope that going forward we will all manage to keep up with one another as we go through the normal changes in our lives as we all grow up, get married, start families... ok maybe not everyone, but most! I am really looking forward to the weddings I am taking part in, it's the start of a new era.
I live with a non-functioning pituitary (since an operation in 2005 to remove a tumour causing Cushings disease; http://csrf.net/) - this blog describes my fight to get more action from the doctors and my own personal experiences in daily life, similar to that of Bridget Jones Ha!
About Me

- Lottie4979
- I'm in my 30's, which to me sounds very odd. I only feel like I'm in my 20's and definitely not a grown up. I have spent the last 7 years battling with my health; firstly spending 2 years getting a diagnosis for a tumour on my pituitary gland which was causing Cushings Disease; then spending the rest of my life dealing with a pituitary gland that doesn't work. However, I have a fantastic family and an amazing boyfriend who I live with and adore - they keep me going and inspire me to try to make the most of life and my life in general.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
One more sleep
One more sleep and the folks are back! I'm looking forward to returning to normality - it's been nice being with my kitty cat but I miss Boyf and my own bed. Also can't wait for July; three weddings to go to! Plus my birthday Whoop Whoop! (Although I will not be mentioning my age and I do not want a birthday cake).
Also, finally Boyf has plucked up the courage to book two whole weeks off from work in August - Yes, we are actually going to go on holiday. He definitely needs it - apparently according to Mr. 'I am the portent of doom' the next 6 months are going to be quote; 'dark times'. Luckily on clarifying this, this was not referring to our relationship. I can't help thinking that if you view life with pessimism, you are inviting it your way. OK you may expect that things will change and some of those things will be difficult but ultimately, perhaps those things happen for a reason and the eventual outcome is better than you expected and perhaps even an improvement on what you may have planned. Life has a funny way of interfering. I of all people know this. I for one intend to stay firmly positive, I have signed up for a TV, Film, and personal stylist course and I can't wait to start. It's just something to give me another focus and energise me. Not long to wait either as course starts on Monday 4th July. OK so I may or may not end up doing something with it but really its for me to boost my own confidence and give me options. You don't know unless you try, right?
Also, finally Boyf has plucked up the courage to book two whole weeks off from work in August - Yes, we are actually going to go on holiday. He definitely needs it - apparently according to Mr. 'I am the portent of doom' the next 6 months are going to be quote; 'dark times'. Luckily on clarifying this, this was not referring to our relationship. I can't help thinking that if you view life with pessimism, you are inviting it your way. OK you may expect that things will change and some of those things will be difficult but ultimately, perhaps those things happen for a reason and the eventual outcome is better than you expected and perhaps even an improvement on what you may have planned. Life has a funny way of interfering. I of all people know this. I for one intend to stay firmly positive, I have signed up for a TV, Film, and personal stylist course and I can't wait to start. It's just something to give me another focus and energise me. Not long to wait either as course starts on Monday 4th July. OK so I may or may not end up doing something with it but really its for me to boost my own confidence and give me options. You don't know unless you try, right?
Cafe Rouge, Wokingham
Met up with welsh leek for dinner Friday night and as I had a 2 for 1 voucher for Cafe Rouge we went there. I like it there as at least it is a different option from all the italians/indians and chinese places. I had the lemon sole with new potatoes and veggies - I enjoyed it and it was very filling, it was a large fish... I always thought they were quite small! Welsh leek had the beef bourginon which if memory serves is also good. My pudding however was disappointing - it was a waffle with pear, ice cream and chocolate sauce. The waffle was really dry, the pear was warm all the way through but rock hard and whole! I had to try and cut it with a spoon! This was not very acheivable and the chocolate sauce overwhelmed the flavour of the pear. You wouldn't think chocolate sauce could be bad either but to be honest it wasn't great. So my conclusion is: Stick to the creme brulee they didn't go too wrong with that!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Back at the folks house
Staying back in my folks house for a week whilst they are away on holiday so I can look after my Kitty cat. She is so cute I love her to peices. She's a real funny little thing but she's always affectionate to me it's like we have a connective bond.... probably because we are quite similar, she likes to mooch and I like to mooch. She likes her food, I like my food. What can I say?
It's actually nice staying here for a few days anyway, I like looking through some of the things I haven't yet collected from here like old photo's. Found some funny ones of Zsa Zsa and me back in the day... ahhh, to reminisce. I might read Alice in Wonderland again. There is something about that story that is so magical and appealing. I remember reading it as a child and wishing so much I could be Alice and have her experiences, it was both beautiful and imaginative. It's a story that appeals to me as much now as it did as a child, I still sometimes wish I could disappear into a magical world. I think that is probaly why I still like films like Harry Potter, the dark series True Blood and The Twilight books and films. Life can be very dry sometimes and we can become bogged down to much with reality, it's great to have a bit of an escape sometimes... right I'm off to back to the Shire now!
It's actually nice staying here for a few days anyway, I like looking through some of the things I haven't yet collected from here like old photo's. Found some funny ones of Zsa Zsa and me back in the day... ahhh, to reminisce. I might read Alice in Wonderland again. There is something about that story that is so magical and appealing. I remember reading it as a child and wishing so much I could be Alice and have her experiences, it was both beautiful and imaginative. It's a story that appeals to me as much now as it did as a child, I still sometimes wish I could disappear into a magical world. I think that is probaly why I still like films like Harry Potter, the dark series True Blood and The Twilight books and films. Life can be very dry sometimes and we can become bogged down to much with reality, it's great to have a bit of an escape sometimes... right I'm off to back to the Shire now!
Monday, 20 June 2011
Sunday morning was Segway! I had got Boyf. a voucher for xmas and we finally managed to get booked in.... It was such a laugh, we got to wear lovely bright yellow visibility vests and helmets which made us look a little bit tard. I had hoped for a sort of Lara Croft / Tombraider look but that flew out the window and Boyf. chose to put his hood over his helmet resulting in the pea on a fork impression.
We had a breif on how they work and then a practice run.... it's all based on your body weight and centre of gravity. It has no brakes so you control it completely by your body. It's a bit of weird sensation at first but as you get used to it, it gets really easy.
I was thinking I could do with one at home! One major problem though Segways are not road legal and you aren't even allowed to take them on public land. Brilliant. Our experience was at Dinton Pastures and we went for a 45 min ride around the lake which was cool. If you get the chance to try it - go for it. I got a voucher for my Mum and Dad to try it, anyone and any age can do it.
Boyf and I have got very excited, but instead of segways we might end up getting a couple of Vespa's! Whoop whoop! Neeeeooooowwww, Ciaooo! I can see myself whizzing along with that whole italian chic thing going on. Oh Yes.
We had a breif on how they work and then a practice run.... it's all based on your body weight and centre of gravity. It has no brakes so you control it completely by your body. It's a bit of weird sensation at first but as you get used to it, it gets really easy.
I was thinking I could do with one at home! One major problem though Segways are not road legal and you aren't even allowed to take them on public land. Brilliant. Our experience was at Dinton Pastures and we went for a 45 min ride around the lake which was cool. If you get the chance to try it - go for it. I got a voucher for my Mum and Dad to try it, anyone and any age can do it.
Boyf and I have got very excited, but instead of segways we might end up getting a couple of Vespa's! Whoop whoop! Neeeeooooowwww, Ciaooo! I can see myself whizzing along with that whole italian chic thing going on. Oh Yes.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
The Hangover 2
Went to see The hangover 2 this weekend. I have seen the first one which I found really funny, it's worth watching twice as I think it gets funnier the second time around. The second one is pretty much the same formula but if you know that you know what to expect from the movie. Personally I thought it was just as funny and any film that makes me laugh out loud gets my vote!
A small breakthrough
Well there may be hope yet. GP has said he is going to refer me for a second opinion to somewhere in London. This is good because hopefully they will have a different approach to Oxford and maybe some different ideas as to how to help me.... I will just have to wait and see.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Limbo land
Well, the latest is, it seems no more can be done for me in terms of treatment. I am in such a small group of people with non-functioning pituitary's that there are not enough people to do research on. So I guess the next step is acceptance. I am feeling a bit lost though because I feel like I want to do something, something that gives me some sense of fulfilment but what that is I am not sure.....
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